Files in this directory contain core table data formatted for use with the Workforce Information Database. File Name Contents Last Update _____________________________________________________________________________ Census Income 2017.xlsx Income table data from the ACS for 2017 ACS US, states, and substate areas estimated by the Census Bureau. Prior years indicated by the file name. CES2526, CES2526up National CES data by WID version. File Monthly ending in "-up" contains only the most current month. 2526 is the WID version. Prior WID versions are indicated by the file name. CES data for all states for the current Monthly WID version. commute2013.txt County and place level commute data 2013 - irregular updates from the Census Bureau. cpi2326.txt,cpiplus National CPI data. cpi2326 contains Monthly top-level indexes, cpiplus contains index values for components of the CPI. Demographics table data from the ACS 2017 ACS for US, states, and substate areas estimated by the Census Bureau. Prior years indicated by the file name. lab27.txt, labfor27up National Unemployment Rate data by WID Monthly version. File ending in "-up" contains only the most current month. Prior WID versions are indicated by the file name. LABSTATE27.txt State unemployment rate data by WID Monthly version. Prior WID versions are indicated by the file name. populatn2017.txt Populatn table data from the ACS 2017 ACS for US, states, and counties. Prior years indicated by the file name. Projections1626.xlsx National Projections data. 2018 BEA Real Income 2018