Structure for table: soc98.dbf Number of data records: 1395 Date of last update: 12/07/99 Field Field Name Type Width Description 1 SOCCODE Character 7 SOC Code 2 SOCTITLE Character 150 SOC Title 3 DEFINITION Memo 10 Definition 4 ILL_1 Character 60 1/ 5 ILL_2 Character 60 1/ 6 ILL_3 Character 60 1/ 7 NUMDETAIL Numeric 2 2/ 1/ The ill_1, _2 and _3 are illustrative examples of occupations or job titles that fall with each SOC occupation. These will be published in the SOC manual. These are found on some of the detailed occupations only. 2/ Major groups have 44 in the field, minor groups have 33, broad occupations have between 1 and 9 (depending on the number of detailed occupation within the broad occupation) and detailed occupations have 0.