The files in this directory contain links between classification systems. Classifications included: ISCOO (International Standard Classification of Occupations), DOT (Dictionary of Occupational Titles), SOC (Standard Occupational Classification), MOC (Military Occupational Code), OES (Occupational Employment Statistics), O*NET (Occupational Information Network), CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs). The classifications found in this directory are generally legacy classifications. Crosswalks involving newer versions of some classifications (SOC, Census, CIP, O*NET) are found in directories dedicated to those classifications. OCCINDO.PDF 07-17-15 Description of occupation-industry links file from OES program (May 2014 Data) OCCINDO.ZIP 07-17-15 File linking occupations to industries, with data, file from the OES program (May 2014 Data) OCCINDO.PDF 03-05-13 Description of occupation-industry links file from 2012-2022 BLS Employment Projections OCCINDO.ZIP 03-05-13 File linking occupations to industries, with data, file from the BLS 2012-2022 employment projections OCCINDO09.PDF 04-04-13 Description of occupation-industry links file from OES program (May 2011 Data) OCCINDO09.ZIP 04-04-13 File linking occupations to industries, with data, file from the OES program (May 2011 Data) REVISED 03/05/13 CEN90X00.ZIP 08-02-12 Crosswalk file linking occupations from the 1990 Census to those from the 2000 Census. Created by merger via Dictionary of Occupational Titles as the common link. CEN90X00.PDF 08-02-12 Description of the contents and constructin of CEN90X00 crosswalk file OCCINDP.DOC 05-14-12 Description of occupation-industry links file from occupational projections program (2010-2020 projections) (2010-2020 projections) OCCINDP.ZIP 07-12-12 File linking occupations to industries, with data, file from the occupational projections program BLSFILE.EXE 03-25-98 1996 BLS Crosswalk, OES to 1991 DOT, MS Access format BLSXW96.EXE 03-14-96 BLS Crosswalk, OES to 1991 DOT rev., FoxPro format CEN70DOT.XLS 04-12-06 Crosswalk linking the 1970 Census occupations to those from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT). Includes attributes from the original 4th edition of the DOT (1977) CEN7O80.DOC 04-03-98 Description of 1970-80 census Crosswalk found in CEN7080.ZIP CEN7O80.ZIP 04-03-98 Crosswalk between 1970 and 1980 Census occupation through the DOT. IMPORTANT: read CEN7080.DOC CENCIP.EXE 04-24-99 1990 Census to 1990 CIP Crosswalk file, FoxPro format CENSXSOC.DOC 10-08-08 Description of 2000 Census-2000 SOC crosswalk CENSXSOC.ZIP 10-08-08 2000 Census crosswalk to 2000 SOC, TXT and XLS formats CENXISCO.ZIP 08-02-11 2000 Census crosswalk to International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88). Created by merging CENSXSOC and SOC2000XISCO88 files found in this directory. CEN02SOC.DOC 08-11-09 Description of 2002 Census-2000 SOC crosswalk CEN02SOC.ZIP 08-11-09 2002 Census crosswalk to 2000 SOC, TXT and XLS formats CIP90x00.DOC 04-03-98 Description of 1990-2000 CIP Crosswalk CIP90x00.ZIP 04-03-98 Crosswalk between 1990 and 2000 CIP, TXT and XLS formats ELECDOC.ZIP 04-13-96 Electronic documentation system, including software, for Version 4.3 of the NOICC Master Crosswalk ELECDOC.DOC 04-13-96 Description of use of ELECDOC system DOTCEN00.XLS 04-21-04 Crosswalk linking the 2000 Census occupations to those from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) DOTCEN80.DBF 12-31-97 Crosswalk between DOT and 1980 Census occupations DOTCEN90.DBF 04-14-99 Crosswalk between DOT and 1990 Census occupations DOTCIP.EXE 01-29-99 DOT to 1990 CIP Crosswalk file, FoxPro format OESXCIP.DOC 10-02-98 Description of OES-CIP Crosswalk file OESXCIP.ZIP 10-02-98 Crosswalk file linking the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) classification to the Classification of Instructional Programs, 1990 version (CIP) SOC2000xISCO88.ZIP 04-17-09 Crosswalk linking the Standard Occupational Classification to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88) SOCCEN80.ZIP 07-15-04 Crosswalk linking 1980 Census occupations to those from the 1980 SOC, upon which they are based. Taken from Census Bureau documents. FoxPro and Excel file formats. SOCCEN90.ZIP 07-15-04 Crosswalk linking 1990 Census occupations to those from the 1980 SOC, upon which they are based. Taken from Census Bureau documents. FoxPro and Excel file formats. SOCDOT.DOC 05-12-09 Word document of report that links SOC occupations to the DOT SOCXCIP.DOC 10-09-08 Description of 2000 SOC to 2000 CIP Crosswalk SOCXCIP.ZIP 10-09-08 2000 SOC to 2000 CIP Crosswalk, TXT and XLS XW43AC.EXE 11-15-99 NOICC Master Crosswalk, Version 4.3, MS Access Format (includes contents of XWALKDOC.EXE) (REVISED 11-15-99) XWALKV43.EXE 06-05-97 NOICC Master Crosswalk, Version 4.3 Questions should be directed to the Analyst Resource Committee (ARC) at