MetaData ID No. 1 Physical Name: 1990 Classification of Instructional Programs to 1998 Standard Occupational Classification Crosswalk Source Classification Owners: Department of Education (National Center for Education Statistics), Executive Office of the President (Office of Management and Budget)/Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics) Overview The purpose of the CIP-SOC crosswalk is to indicate the relationships between program content and occupations, based on the descriptions of each. There will be cases, however, where all potential occupational outcomes of training programs are not covered in the crosswalk. This is particularly true for general programs, such in the liberal arts area, where program completers may enter a wide variety of occupations not necessarily directly related to the program. The program, History, General (CIP 54.010) would be an example of such an instance. Conversely, there are cases where occupations are related to programs in the crosswalk due to similarities in their content, but the occupation does not necessarily require training in the program for entry into the occupation. The crosswalk results from a combination of mechanical mergers of existing classification resources, targeted review of the results, and analysis of potential gaps or areas of duplication. Construction of the crosswalk began with the merger of two resources: crosswalks linking the 1990 CIP to the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) classification and a file linking the OES to the SOC. While the product of this merger has significant limitations, it provided a good and historically consistent starting point for the development of the CIP-SOC crosswalk. The product of this mechanical merger was reviewed by NCSC staff and a contractor with emphasis on unmatched programs and occupations and on multiple relationships introduced by OES occupations that relate to multiple SOC occupations. Total Related Files: 1 crosswalk file, 1 ReadMe (this file), 1 crosswalk report document (MS Word97), no errata to date Limitations: (1) Unmatched CIPs and SOCs-Not every program or occupation will necessarily be related to something-not all programs are occupational, and not all occupations will require completion of a training program for entry. (2) Review and analysis were concentrated on areas for which detailed or specific definitions are available. (3) Programs that fall into either "general" (codes ending in "00") or "other" (codes ending in "99") generally received less attention than the more specific programs. Residual SOC occupations ("all other" in the title) generally received less attention also. (4) This CIP-SOC crosswalk, like other NCSC resources, is designed to provide a prototype set of relationships. While it is not possible to develop such a resource that meets every need, the prototypical nature of the CIP-SOC crosswalk provides users with a good starting point for the development of resources needed for specific applications. Users are advised to review crosswalk content for appropriateness for inclusion in their particular application (see Contact section below). Classification/Taxonomy: Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), Standard Occupational Classifcation (SOC) Classification/Taxonomy Description: Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), Standard Occupational Classifcation (SOC) File Type: crosswalk Time Period: N/A Date of Publication: July 1991 (CIP), September 1999 (SOC) Data Source(s): 1990 CIP file - WordPerfect files received from the National Center for Education Statistics, 1998 SOC file - File received from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Format(s): Access 97, Excel 97, FoxPro 2.6, Comma-delimited text, others as requested Notes: (1) Punctuation has been removed from the SOC and CIP codes found in the file, e.g. CIP 40.0701 appears as 400701. (2) All detailed occupations from the SOC are included in the file. Records are NOT included for major groups, minor groups or broad occupations. (3) All academic and occupationally specific programs from Chapter I and VI of the 1990 CIP manual appear in the file. Programs found in Chapters II (Consumer and Homemaking Education), III (Technology Education/Industrial Arts), IV (Reserve Officers' Training Corps), V (Personal Improvement and Leisure) and VII (High School/Secondary Diploma and Certificate) are not included. Date Updated: Date added: 03/07/2002 Data Structure Logical File Name SOCCIP90 File Size 504 KB Data Structure Flat Number of Records 2670 Number of Fields/Variables 4 Length of Record 192 Records Per Relationship Many to Many SOCCIP90 A prototype crosswalk linking the 1990 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) to the 1998 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). Column Type Width Description Soccode Character 6 1998 SOC Code (punctuation removed) Soctitle Character 100 1998 SOC Title Cipcode Character 6 1990 CIP Code (punctuation removed) Ciptitle Character 80 1990 CIP Title This is legacy data. Questions should be directed to the Analyst Resource Committee (ARC) at