The files in this directory contain descriptive information about legacy occupation and training classifications. Classifications include the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), 1990 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). Separate directories for active or more current versions of these and other classifications are maintained in the \DOWNLOAD directory. See the README.TXT file there for more information. DOTVARS.XLS 06-24-09 Descriptions of DOT descriptive variables DOT82.EXE 10-12-98 Characteristics of DOT occupations, 1982 Supplement FoxPro table with text content and documentation DOT86.EXE 10-12-98 Characteristics of DOT occupations, 1986 Supplement FoxPro table with text content and documentation DOT91.EXE 10-12-98 Characteristics of DOT occupations, 1991 Revision FoxPro table with text content and documentation DOT91AC.ZIP 09-21-01 Characteristics of DOT occupations, 1991 Revision, MS Access format DOTNAR91.EXE 02-06-95 DOT Occupation definitions in FoxPro format in self-extracting format WRKFLDS1.PDF 04-29-09 Report, Work fields with DOT occupations sorted by strength factor and SVP WRKFLDS2.PDF 04-29-09 Report, Work fields with DOT occupations sorted by SVP and strength factor CIP90AC.EXE 12-22-99 1990 CIP manual in MS Access database including CIP codes, titles and descriptions CIPDEF90.EXE 01-13-98 1990 CIP codes, titles and descriptions in FoxPro format ELECDOC.ZIP 04-13-96 Electronic documentation system, including software, for Version 4.3 of the NOICC Master Crosswalk ELECDOC.ZIP 04-13-96 Description of use of ELECDOC system SOC80.EXE 09-18-98 1980 SOC Manual in FoxPro format, without memo fields SOC80.XLS 04-17-98 1980 SOC codes and titles in MS Excel format SOCINTRO.EXE 09-18-98 1980 SOC Manual introductory material in Foxpro format, without memo fields SOC0898.EXE 09-18-98 1980 SOC Manual in FoxPro format, with memo fields SURD98.EXE 05-14-99 1998 OES Survey Dictionary (definitions of OES occupations used in the 1998 survey) in FoxPro format SURD8896.EXE 03-14-96 Bureau of Labor Statistics 1988-96 OES Survey Dictionary--Contains definitions for OES occupations This is legacy data. Questions should be directed to the Analyst Resource Committee (ARC) at